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  • 19 Dec 2020

Tips for better virtual bookkeeping for the US based business

A virtual bookkeeper handles your books of accounts remotely. You can have access to your business information anytime and anywhere through cloud-based software. You can communicate anytime without compromising your time and space. They are like any individual bookkeepers belong to your company or any accounting firm hired, but the difference in the kind of service one gets we things are done remotely. They classify your transactions and prepare financial statements for your business.

How virtual bookkeepers are different from the local bookkeepers?

Traditional a company must hire a bookkeeping staff or outsource a bookkeeper from an accounting firm and then they were given accounting records of each month for categorizing and passing entries in your books of accounts. Though they use accounting software for delivering you the work, still lose to the service of a virtual bookkeeper.

That’s why many businesses are now opting for virtual bookkeeping service.

Virtual bookkeeper vs Local bookkeepers.

  1. Paperwork: While working with local bookkeepers, you deal with a lot of paperwork such as receipts, payments, bills etc. to deliver them, but since virtual bookkeepers are serving remotely you need to either take a snap or scan the copy of the necessary documents.

  2. Mobile access: Your bookkeeper may not use a software that is mobile friendly so, you cannot have access through your mobile phones, a Service provider like Accounts Junction have a mobile app that let you access the records any time.

  3. Online business accounts experience: Not every local bookkeeper are versed with the online business such as e-commerce or services like PayPal and not a solution to all industries, but Virtual bookkeepers are experienced and well-versed with bookkeeping as they provide a tailored solution.

  4. Tax preparation: A local bookkeeping won’t assist you in tax fillings, Virtual bookkeepers like Accounts Junction can assist you with different compliance and tax fillings process.

  5. Cost-effective: We might think to outsource a local bookkeeper or virtual bookkeeper for US-based business in US only, but that would cost you too high, our cost is only $US 10 per hours plus you get a free 6 Hour trial service.

  6. Software: Most freelancer bookkeepers and local bookkeepers use software that you may not be familiar to, you have to get familiar to check your accounts. But with us, we can don’t spare time for such thing as we use software like Xero, QuickBooks with customized apps to make it client-friendly.

Accounts Junction virtual bookkeeping services:

  • Professional and Experienced bookkeeping team.
  • Tax filling assistance and compliance with different tax laws.
  • Payroll, invoicing, sales tax, federal tax and tax add-ons.
  • Xero certified silver partner.

 At Accounts Junction professional bookkeepers prepare book accounts by automatically importing all your business transaction and classifying and summarizing the business information to provide monthly, quarterly and yearly end financial statements.
We make sure that the reports are understandable and concise, so our client can get a clear picture of the financial health of their business.

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