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  • 11 Jul 2007

What is Cash Flow and How Can You Effectively Manage It?

Cash flows are very crucial for business, no individual or company can afford to lose control over it. It speaks about the circulation of money in the business and monitoring cash flows helps to check the financial health of the business. Most SMEs dwell in failure because of poor Cash flow management.

So it is important to understand what cash flow is and how one can effectively manage it.

Cash Flow Management:

Cash flow management tracks the movement of money in and out of the business either as income or expenses. It helps to determine the positive cash flows i.e., more money flowing into business than going out. Having positive cash flows helps to predict the cash available for future growth, paying bills, and other obligations such as suppliers, paychecks, etc. And in case you have negative cash flow, you have to look for an alternative source of income to meet business obligations.

So cash flow terms describe the change in the cash position of the business for a financial year. Cash flow management helps to keep track of the flow and analyzes changes. It helps in planning for the future and tackling any issues with the cash flow.

How can you manage cash flow effectively?

Follow these steps for improving cash flow management:

You can get your books accurate without efficient bookkeeping. It is the first step to understanding the financials of your business. You can move ahead unless you got your bookkeeping done.Cash Flow statements on the table:It helps to analyze the cash position and make projections to see how your decisions will impact your future financial health.If you have an in-house accountant, they can do this for you. Or else you can use software or spreadsheets but again it will require basic finance knowledge and time and effort. The most time-saving way is to outsource cash flow management to professional firms like Accounts Junction.

Analysis of cash flows:

Extract information from the cash flow statement and understand how the money is flowing in and out of the business.

Find out the need for more cash flows:

Find out whether you will rely on the credit card or line of credit to meet any additional cash requirements. Decide whether you need to free up more cash flows.

Curb spending where you need:

Overspending may occur due to covering the unrequired expenses or obligating expenses at unstrategic times. You need to focus on cutting overspending to increase the cash flow.

Accelerate accounts receivables:

Accelerate your receivables to speed up the money that gets in your account, the more cash flow you will have.

Get back frequently to your cash flow statements:

Make analyzing cash flow statements a regular back-office work. The more often you do the analysis, you can find ways to increase the cash flow and find out the reasons for the shortage of cash in the business.

How Accounts Junction can help?

We are leading bookkeeping service providers. With us, you have a dedicated team of bookkeepers to turn your complex business transaction into understandable reports and update the financial health of your business. Whether you need the report for analysis, funding, or your peace of mind, we get everything covered for you.

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